Thursday, November 5, 2015

Taylor's Senior Pictures

How often do you get to take pictures on a beautiful night in downtown with a super model?! Well, I got to and this was the funnest night with Taylor and her mom. I love this family! They are beautiful inside and out and such a joy to take pictures with and so fun to be around.  What a pleasure it was to take pictures of Taylor because every single shot was beautiful!
Thank you Taylor for being a perfect model! :)

Lubick Family Photos

What an adventure photographing 4 boys! But they are the sweetest, cutest boys so it was a fun adventure!  We went industrial and it ended up being really cool.  I'm always grateful for the opportunity to take family pictures.
Thank you Lubick Family!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Baby Lola

I have to admit that taking baby pictures is not my favorite thing.  It's really hard!!  It takes a very long time and large amounts of patience (which I don't have) and it's usually done indoors with props and backdrops which I don't have or like to use. 
BUT, then baby Lola came along and Oh My Goodness I wanted to take her picture ALL day long!  Just look at her.  She is the most beautiful baby.  And oh so sweet!  Not to mention, she has the coolest parents and the most adorable big brother and sister who happen to be twins!
She was a perfect angel during pictures.  She looked at me with those big beautiful eyes and then she fell perfectly asleep and posed like a princess. 
These were taken when she was 6 weeks old and if you could see her now (4 months I think) you would just die over how cute and delicious she is, really.
Thank you Lola for being the perfect baby and letting me take your picture! ;)

Lola and her beautiful mother...

Big brother...

Big sister...

Being the little sister to 2 year old twins, you gotta be tough!  Love this picture! :)