Monday, October 17, 2011

Olivier Family & Eva's 1 year pictures

It was kind of a lousy weather day for pictures(that is an understatement!). And a really tough day for kid cooperation! But Sara said that her main goal was to get 1 year pictures of Eva. I love the pictures of Eva, I mean she is so so beautiful and sweet. She did really well taking pictures in the chair... but the family pictures on the other hand were chalenging to say the least. The kids had lots of energy and what seemed to be an aversion to the camera.  Anyone with young kids, trying to take family pictures can totally understand.  Some days just aren't picture taking days but trying to reschedule picture day is worse so we take what we can get!  Good thing I'm fast with the finger! ;) 

Can you see their love for the camera??! :)  It's a perfect Christmas card photo, don't you think??!

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