Friday, December 9, 2011

Family Pictures in the snow!

Danika & Matt wanted family pictures in the snow this year, how fun! So we waited and waited and jumped at the chance to do them on a beautiful snowy, COLD Saturday afternoon! They were troopers! I'm telling you it was cold and they tromped throuth the snow for at least 45 minutes before Dylan called it quits!

I love how the pictures turned out. What a beautiful little family, don't you think?!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Murriel's Family Photos

It was such a beautiful day and so fun to meet Murriel and her family. Her adorable boys, one blonde/blue and one brown/brown (just like my last shoot!) were full of energy. It was a little tough to get everyone excited about a family picture, but as soon as we let them throw rocks into the water, we got the shots we wanted!

Aren't they a beautiful family?!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mestas Family Fall Photos

This day made me so happy! I love Steph and her sweet family and she has been such a great customer of mine. It just seems like the last few sessions we have done weren't great. Cole wanted nothing to do with the camera or ME and that just makes for a tough day. We still got good pictures, but I always left feeling unsatisfied with my work.

BUT this day was different. Cole was AMAZING as was Carson (who happens to always be amazing!) and we got so many really really great pictures. I was on cloud 9 when I left the park that day. It was fun and easy and produced beautiful results. I call that the best shoot I've had in a while!

Thank you Steph for being so patient and wonderful!! It is always so fun to be a part of your family pictures!!

Olivier Family & Eva's 1 year pictures

It was kind of a lousy weather day for pictures(that is an understatement!). And a really tough day for kid cooperation! But Sara said that her main goal was to get 1 year pictures of Eva. I love the pictures of Eva, I mean she is so so beautiful and sweet. She did really well taking pictures in the chair... but the family pictures on the other hand were chalenging to say the least. The kids had lots of energy and what seemed to be an aversion to the camera.  Anyone with young kids, trying to take family pictures can totally understand.  Some days just aren't picture taking days but trying to reschedule picture day is worse so we take what we can get!  Good thing I'm fast with the finger! ;) 

Can you see their love for the camera??! :)  It's a perfect Christmas card photo, don't you think??!